The Bachelor of Laws Programme
The Bachelor of Laws programme at Uganda Pentecostal University is an interdisciplinary program with a duration of four years that integrates the natural and social sciences to generate and apply new knowledge about the quality of our justice system. It is designed to develop a cadre of professionals with integrity, power of critical inquiry, logical thought and independent judgment. It is designed to offer instruction to students in the legal field and develop a hub of legal scholarship and research facilities for students and interested academics and researchers from Uganda, the countries of East Africa and beyond.

The Diploma in Law Programme
The Diploma in Law is a two year programme intended to enhance the basic knowledge and skills of recent non law graduates and other appropriately qualified professionals by providing them with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the law. The programme provides training in research methods to equip candidates with the skills necessary for employment in many different areas. It is designed to produce law graduates who are in a position to appreciate the social, economic, moral and cultural values in which the law is generated and carry out more effective roles as legislators, policy makers, administrators, academicians and other actors who are responsive to the needs of society.

 > The Certificate in the Law Relating To Public Administration Programme
The Certificate in the Law relating to Public Administration is a one year programme designed to develop a cadre of administrators with integrity, power of critical inquiry, logical thought and independent judgment. It is also designed to address legal issues of relevancy to political leaders in districts, municipalities, town councils and sub county councils. This certificate is a requirement for admission, confirmation and promotion of administrative cadres in the Public service.


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